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Urban Forest Restoration: An Idea

Every solo forest across the globe today is being affected by human commotion & urbanization at some of the other level, either directly by destruction or the introduction of invasive species, or indirectly by the impacts of climate change. Urban Forest re-establishment—the process of improving the health, productivity, and array of life of a forest as well as of Human being—is a complex undertaking that can never fully bring back the original forest. That is why it’s far better to safeguard existing healthy ecosystem of forest and prevent them from being degraded or destroyed in the very first place. Ample work of restoration focuses on bringing back natural processes that contribute to the forest’s productivity, like how water interacts with soil, streams, and plants. This particularly requires starting with a diagnostic exercise to figure out what has gone awry, as the appropriate approach to forest restoration depends on what is causing a particular forest to falter. The destruction is not always immediately apparent—a forest may look very healthy and green but be suffering ecologically. The problem might be invasive species, infrastructure development, agriculture, mining, fire, or some other stressor. The proper approach must consider the human requirements on the forest. If it does not, then our forest is likely to be degraded again & again. For instance, creating sustainable means of fuel for cooking & Food industry—ones that people can use over and over again without permanently harming a forest—may be an essential element to restoring a forest. People across the globe uses charcoal for cooking—some because that’s their only option and others because of cultural traditions or taste preferences. Effective forest re-establishment in such countries must involve setting aside some land for fast-growing species suitable for charcoal, such as eucalyptus, to take the place of wood from natural forests.


Essential Elements of Forest Restoration

Planting trees

This is an important part of forest restoration, but funding for doing so often runs short. Many reforestation campaigns need to plant seedlings and grow their own native trees.

Improving soils

Soil needs microorganisms and small bugs such as centipedes, beetles, and earth-worms to thrive. Adding organic manure to the soil can radically change a forest and support restored forest health.

Protecting wildlife corridors

Looking at how plants and animals move and interacts across landscapes is key to forest restoration. A corridor the length & width of a swimming pool can allow animals to travel among forest fragments, significantly improving their chances of surviving, reproducing, and flourishing.

Managing land sustainably

Successful restoration must address the requirements of farmers who care for small plots of land and whose access to resources profoundly affect forests. Working with govt & agencies to promote practices like agroforestry—a farming technique that incorporates the cultivation and conservation of trees among crops or pastureland for more productive and sustainable land use provides enormous benefits to forest restoration efforts.

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