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Therapeutic Green


The golden phrase "Health is Wealth" is a good way to explain the new term Therapeutic Green. Olgreens always integrates plants with culture and tradition in order to educate and make future generations aware. Integrating medicinal plants into your home is an important way to keep it green, beautiful, and healthy for beings.

India is one of 17 mega biodiversity countries, accounting for approximately 7% of global biodiversity. In our country, medicinal plants can be found in ecosystems ranging from the Himalayas to the sea, and from the desert to the rain forest. Every year, the domestic demand for medicinal plants is estimated to be 1,95,000 MT. Natural products continue to play an important role in the pharmaceutical industry around the world. Here are a few examples of having greens all around you.

Basil is an antiseptic, expectorant, anti-flatulent, and laxative, as well as a mild sedative. To relieve stomach ailments, gastritis, indigestion, and constipation, make a tea from the fresh plant before it blooms. Basil can also be used to treat headaches and colds, as well as to reduce throat inflammation and fever. When growing medicinal herbs, this super plant is a must-have.

Fennel also has curative properties, such as being a diuretic, aiding in digestion, treating insomnia, and treating coughs, flatulence, asthma, headache, dizziness, depression, catarrh, inflammation, and even acting as an insect repellent.

When taken as a tea, Chamomile is best known for its calming properties. This herb is also said to help with headaches, stomach problems, flatulence, colic, insomnia, cold and flu symptoms, and inflammatory issues like sore throat, haemorrhoids, acne, ulcers, and some eye problems.

Even before starting to grow medicinal herbs, don't forget Garlic, which has been shown to have a plethora of curative benefits ranging from alleviating symptoms of bronchitis, cold, influenza, and congestion to balancing the amount of healthy bacteria in the gut to fighting bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Garlic has recently made headlines for its role as a carcinogen and in preventing heart attacks and strokes.

Onions should be included in a medicinal plant garden, and let's face it, they're a kitchen staple.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article is for educational and gardening purposes only. Before using ANY herb or plant for medicinal purposes, please consult a physician or a medical herbalist for advice.

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